Ruby on Rails Backend Development: Top Choice For Business


Quick Summary

Ruby on Rails with its several features including faster modules, runtime, plugins, gems etc. is among the top choice for product owners. 

So if you are wondering whether you should use backend ruby on rails

Read this post. 

This post will guide you about the Ruby on Rails Backend and the reasons to use it for web development. 

Introduction – Backend Ruby on Rails

Website development has come a long way. 

The users require advanced and interesting features. 

Thus, effective development requires the right set of tools. 

Having the right set of tools for backend development is also crucial.

Because, only then your business will look reliable and gain the customer’s trust. 

One of the best tools for web development including backend is ruby on rails. 

The main aim of ruby on rails is to fastly create new projects with high speed performance.

Interestingly, the ruby on rails is also known as Rails.

Because it is a framework, open-source and written in Ruby, it offers multiple benefits. 

Let’s understand the benefits and reasons why Ruby on Rails is the best option for you for backend development. 

Ruby on Rails Backend Development: Best Benefits 

  • Ruby on Rails has web development capacities. It means you can bring backend and frontend development together. 
  • If you hire Ruby on Rails developers, they will write code rapidly. This is because the framework has less distractions and is easy to write. As a result, you can save time and spend it on marketing efforts.
  • Hiring a Ruby on Rails Development company is easy and affordable. 
  • Ruby on Rails Backend is strong and can handle huge numbers of traffic easily. Thus, it’s easy for you to scale your business online. 
  • Scalability is the need of the hour. Ruby on Rails is believed to be less scalable. However, that’s a myth. Read our post to know the real facts. Here:  Ruby On Rails Scalability: Challenges and Remedies.
  • Dynamic web design is the priority of every business these days. This is easy with backend ruby on rails development. 
  • One can easily use various gems(pre-made ruby codes) and IDEs for quick ruby on rails web development. Get the Best Ruby on Rails IDE & Text Editors: List for ROR Development to make your development process easier.
  • You can take ruby on rails hosting in all the options including dedicated, shared, cloud, VPN etc. 
  • It is easier for Ruby on Rails developers to optimise the code and push regular updates. 
  • It is free to use and open-source so it is affordable. 
  • There is a significant community of Ruby on Rails Developers and therefore, you can always get new ideas.
  • Ruby on Rails is one of the rare languages that has a distinct style of programming. 
  • MVP or Quick Prototype is easier and quicker to make in ruby on rails backend development
  •  It makes agile software development possible. 

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The hourly rates start at $20/hour

Backend Ruby on Rails Development: Top reasons to consider

There are multiple reasons to consider ruby on rails for backend development. 

The most important ones that you must know are as follows:

Skillful Ruby on Rails Developers

Developers are the real artists for any development project.

They should be working responsibility and with the right approach. 

Thus, ruby on rails is one of the programming languages which allows developers to work with ease. 

However, it is not easy to hire ruby on rails developers who are dedicated to one single project.

Hence, it’s best that you hire skillful developers who have a good amount of experience and can work remotely for you. 

You can also outsource ruby on rails development to a company. 

But do it only after getting valuable insights from:

Outsource Ruby on Rails Development: Insights 

Wide Range of Tools are available

These days features are hard to develop.

However, every development project requires a wide range of tools so that the website is fully finished with all the necessary features. 

Some programming languages have paid tools. 

While some have tools which are complex to use.

However, this is not the case with ruby on rails. 

You can add multiple features in ruby on rails without any inconsistency. 

Most of the tools and elements are available for free as Ruby on Rails is open-source. 

Quality of Coding 

Coding is a tedious task.

However, businesses like you need the best coding always.

A mistake or compromise in quality coding leads to failure.

You would not want that for you.

Thus, Ruby on Rails Backend development provides excellent features along with quality coding standards. 

Developers can easily code and use a smooth approach to code in ruby on rails. 

Smooth coding in ruby and rails also allows your project to work efficiently and with speed. 

Multiple Resources 

There are plenty of applications who have zero or almost non-existent resources.

Thus, you feel lost while developing in these languages.

Furthermore, there are also some languages who have complex resources and one can not understand them.

As a result, lots of time and efforts are wasted in development.

Ruby on Rails is the exact opposite.

All the valuable resources of ruby on rails are well defined and managed by a number of top-notch companies. 

There are thousands of libraries which are easier to understand and are available for free.

Ruby on Rails also has third-party libraries that make your project run at a good pace without facing any hurdles. 

Test Automation

Testing in any back end project is as important as writing code or planning the tech stack.

The testing step missed results in bugs and also a poor image of the business.

However, with many programming tools developers skip the testing step as it is complex and time consuming.

But, ruby on rails provides a smart solution here.

You can use ruby on rail’s automation testing features. 

This will give you a complete list of all issues, lags and bugs. 

Thus, while you relax and build high-quality projects, ruby on rails will also assist you in testing. 

Growing Consistently

Codecademy and Steer are among the coding schools that are introducing RoR. 

This suggests that in the future, there will be a strong link between developers and a substantial rise in the number of Ruby developers in the RoR community.


Efficient platform development is a key advantage of RoR, which is achieved through the focus on convention by RoR developers. 

Additionally, RoR has an object-oriented tool setup and easily accessible resources, enabling developers to retrieve data and complete programming tasks quickly. 

This facilitates developers in working on multiple projects simultaneously.

Minimal Effort

The primary factor that allows developers to save time with Ruby is its minimalistic nature.

With its high readability and user-friendly learning curve, Ruby facilitates self-documentation, eliminating the need for RoR developers to write separate code documentation.

Furthermore, finding a substitute RoR developer is hassle-free and can be done with just a click, even if the original developer is replaced midway.

Huge Developer Community

The backend is a complex area that often requires collaboration from multiple developers to resolve technical issues. 

Fortunately, RoR has a large and active community of developers who work together to tackle even the most challenging product development problems. 

In fact, Ruby boasts one of the largest and fastest-growing communities on GitHub, making it an excellent choice for developers seeking community support.

Silicon Valley Accepts it

RoR has gained widespread acceptance in Silicon Valley, with prominent tech giants like Shopify, Airbnb, and GitHub utilising RoR development in their architecture.

This has led to RoR achieving global recognition from the valley and beyond.

Best Libraries

Ruby on Rails stands out from other development frameworks due to its exceptional library of resources.

For developers, RubyGems is a game-changer as it offers a wide range of gems that can be used in exchange for anything.

These gems are easily accessible to everyone, and you can find them on

Boost in productivity 

With its user-friendly language, Ruby on Rails is easy to learn for beginners. 

When combined with libraries, RoR becomes a powerful tool for developing feature-rich applications. 

As a result, RoR is a highly favoured and productive programming language for web development purposes.

Let’s compare it with other programming languages to get a better picture. 

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The hourly rates start at $20/hour

Ruby on Rails vs Node.JS

JavaScript is a more powerful language in terms of performance, making it an ideal choice for low-latency applications, and its support for asynchronous programming allows for quicker function execution. 

In contrast, Ruby is an interpreted language, and its runtime interpretation combined with CPU processing make it less powerful.

Both Ruby and JavaScript have strong and diverse communities, with JS developers having access to modules and packages and Ruby developers utilising gems. Ruby’s community is known for being user-friendly and actively engaged in meetups, conferences, and podcasts. 

However, JS has more security vulnerabilities, particularly on the client-side.

Both technologies are not particularly cost-effective, but Ruby can be optimal for building MVPs and startups, while JS is a highly sought-after technology and the most commonly used programming language for the tenth year in a row according to the Stack Overflow community.

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment that enables writing server-side code in JavaScript, allowing for code sharing between the backend and browser and facilitating different operations, such as incoming requests. 

Node.js is ideal for powering real-time applications like messengers, chatrooms, and online games. 

However, Node.js has security vulnerabilities associated with npm packages that may contain undetected vulnerabilities. 

While Node.js is superior in terms of performance, Ruby can still be a suitable option for full-stack web application development, ecommerce projects, prototyping, web crawling and scraping, and social network development.

Ruby on Rails vs PHP/Laravel

When comparing Ruby on Rails to PHP/Laravel, it’s important to note that PHP has been a popular choice for web development for over 25 years and boasts a massive community with numerous frameworks and libraries. 

In 2011, Laravel was introduced by Taylor Otwell with the goal of simplifying tasks like authentication, routing, sessions, and caching within PHP web development. 

While PHP may have an edge over Ruby in terms of performance, Ruby on Rails is widely regarded as the fastest framework for development. 

Despite some overlap in their core principles, Laravel has proven successful in enterprise-level applications, but Ruby has a wider and stronger community.

Python/Django vs Ruby on Rails Backend

When comparing Ruby on Rails to Python/Django, it’s important to note that Python is a general-purpose programming language that has gained popularity, especially in the field of AI.

Python has been around for 31 years and is becoming a widely used tool for building machine learning models. 

However, there are key differences between Ruby and Python:

Ruby is primarily used for functional programming and web development, while Python has found applications in various branches of AI and academic programming.

Ruby is a fully object-oriented programming language, whereas Python only partially implements these principles.

The methods for declaring and working with variables differ between the two languages.

Django is a Python framework used for backend development, but it doesn’t support full-stack development like Ruby on Rails. 

In terms of performance, the frameworks are similar. Both the Python and Ruby communities are strong and widespread.

Examples of Companies Using Ruby on Rails in Different Industries

Ruby on Rails is a flexible and adaptable framework that can be applied across various industries. 

Let’s take a look at how successful businesses in fintech, finance, startups, and other fields have used RoR to scale up their operations effectively.

RoR for e-Commerce Sites:

Ruby on Rails is particularly useful for e-commerce websites due to the extensive range of gems available that cover all aspects of e-commerce businesses, from accounting to security and authentication.

These gems provide exceptional features and functionality that are essential for the smooth operation of online stores. 

RoR offers an array of tools that can help boost online marketplaces and retailers in a variety of niches.


Shopify offers easy-to-use solutions for businesses to create their e-commerce outlets with custom themes. Ruby on Rails has been consistently supported by Shopify and has helped millions of active users. 

In June 2019, Shopify announced that it had over 1 million businesses in more than 175 countries, with a gross retail volume of over $41.1 billion, compared to 2018. Shopify credits much of its success to adopting Ruby on Rails.

RoR for Software Development Websites

Companies that use RoR to support classic programming conventions make the development process more straightforward while preserving the base software requirements.


GitHub offers several collaborative features, such as project wikis, bug tracking, feature requests, project management, and more. 

As of January 2020, GitHub had more than 40 million active users and over 100 million repositories, making it the world’s leading host of source code. 

GitHub is undoubtedly one of the classic examples of RoR.

RoR for Entertainment Sites

Entertainment companies have reported growth after switching to Ruby on Rails due to efficient coding, rapid development, and stability. 

RoR has facilitated brilliant streaming sessions in the entertainment industry.


Netflix offers online streaming services like movies, TV shows, and more based on subscriptions. 

As of January 2022, Netflix has announced about 222 million paid subscriptions globally, with 69 million active users in the US alone, after implementing Ruby on Rails.

RoR for HR Websites

In the HR industry, software updates are becoming a top priority due to the increased gathering and redirecting of data. 

Companies that use Rails can help with effective project management while maintaining vast databases. 

RoR has become the most popular framework for online job portals.


Fiverr allows users to buy and sell a wide range of digital services, including translation, writing, video editing, graphic design, and more. 

In 2019, after being listed on the NYSE, the company reported revenue of $292.4 million in 2021. 

After adopting Ruby on Rails, Fiverr has helped around 3.42 million freelance buyers to date. 

Ruby on Rails allows the platform to hold an extensive database of freelance gigs and has become a significant factor in the entire tech stack.

Improving Backend Web Applications with Ruby on Rails (RoR)

Numerous online courses on popular platforms like Coursera, Steer, Udemy, and Codecademy offer RoR training, and its simplicity has made it a popular choice among developers. 

Check out the course at: Learn Ruby on Rails | Codecademy  or consult ruby on rails development company

This simplicity will ultimately lead to an increase in skilled and professional Ruby developers.

The most significant advantage of RoR is its ability to quickly prototype projects. RoR offers much more than just easy-to-write code when it comes to backend software development. 

Overall, RoR can help save significant amounts of time and money during the development process.

RoR is undoubtedly one of the most popular and preferred frameworks for developers. 

Its thriving community helps create high-quality code, making development faster and more straightforward. 

Furthermore, RoR can work like magic on projects with tight deadlines and limited budgets.


In conclusion, Ruby on Rails (RoR) is a robust and reliable backend development framework that has become a preferred choice for product owners. Its popularity is due to its ability to provide fast and efficient web application development, scalability, and ease of maintenance. With a strong community of developers, RoR offers a vast array of open-source libraries and tools that make development faster and easier. Product owners can leverage the power of RoR to build scalable and secure applications quickly, which saves time and resources. Overall, Ruby on Rails is a great choice for product owners who want to develop high-quality web applications efficiently. – Please check this blog : anchor text isn’t showing

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The hourly rates start at $20/hour

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