Outsource Ruby on Rails Development: Insights


Quick Summary: 

Ruby on Rails Outsourcing means you will be assigning your ruby on rails development tasks to another company or another developer. 

This may seem simple but as an entrepreneur you may feel doubts, hesitations, risks and various challenges.

You would not want to waste any time, money or energy and get an ineffective product.

So, We understand that outsourcing is not an easy task. 

Therefore, it is important to understand, why, how and when to outsource ruby on rails development. 

That’s exactly what we will learn today through this article.

This article will guide you about all you need to know to outsource ruby on rails development

Why Outsource Ruby on Rails Development: A Comparison of In-House vs. Outsourced Development

Ruby on Rails is amongst the most popular and beneficial languages for development of web applications. 

Web applications are in demand for different businesses. 

Each business can not hire in-house ruby on rails developers. 

There are plenty of reasons for that including lack of resources, less time to manage the project, additional costs, risk of wrong hiring and much more. 

Thus, the need for ruby on rails outsourcing arises. 

Let’s dive deep into major reasons why you should outsource ruby on rails development

Saves you money!

The number one reason why you should outsource ruby on rails is that you will be able to save a lot of money.

You will not have to spend money on hiring a new individual, providing him or her resources such as costly desktop, desks etc. 

Furthermore, you might also need to pay as per the minimum wage or as per the current market scenarios in your nation.

On the other hand, ruby on rails outsourcing means you can also outsource your project to companies in developing nations such as India, China etc. 

Finally, Outsourced workers typically have fewer billable hours as they are not paid for unworked hours.

Moreover, they tend to deliver superior work quality due to their undivided attention to a single project.

Reduces Development Hours

Using ruby on rails outsourcing you can set a deadline for your project. 

This deadline is strictly adhered to by well-experienced developers. 

Moreover, whenever you outsource ruby on rails the team that you will hire will already be in-sync. 

They will also have past experience of working together and will be led by a strong team leader. 

It is also a common practice that outsourcing firms work on a single project at a time.

Thus, your ruby on rail projects gets full attention from developers. Plus, you need not to revamp the project multiple times, saving you development hours. 

Understand in detail: 

How can expert Rails developers help you reduce development hours? 

Top-Notch Developers can reduce the Maintenance Cost for Ruby on Rails Apps

Ruby on Rails apps require maintenance and regular updates as you grow your app in the market. 

You will need to adjust the app as per the requirements of users. 

However, when you hire ruby on rails developers, they can help you reduce the maintenance cost.

Because you will need to make payment as per the update required. 

Also, you will need to pay only as per the complexity of the update required. 

Lastly, if your app is compact and small in size, it may require less updating and modifications.

So, you will end up saving a lot of money and time while still making your project top-notch in the market.

Learn in detail: How to Determine the Maintenance Cost for Ruby on Rails Apps 

Focus on your Business Goals

Rather than focusing on  Ruby on Rails mobile app development, you can focus on other important parts of business growth.. 

Once you find a reliable partner for outsourcing, you will not have to pay much attention to the project.

The development team will themselves keep you updated.

Though you can not completely outsource the project. 

However, outsourcing can help you get 90-95% focus on your main business. 

You can use this focus on marketing, finding new ideas, pitching to investors. 

Get Insights from Experts

We are all experts at something. 

However, it is also possible that someone has more expertise and experience in any domain as compared to us.

Therefore, outsourcing ruby on rails development here also helps. 

There are companies and experts who know more about Ruby on Rails and its other resources.

If you stick with in-house developers, you may miss out the benefit of having another expert and their valuable knowledge.

You can also consult the developers when you hire ruby on rails developers anytime when you outsource the project. 

On the other hand, consulting in-house developers and having the right solution might not be possible. 

Lastly, outsourcing firms work with businesses. 

They maintain the toolkit and other valuable resources handy which you may need after the project completion. 

This benefits a lot as you will have manuals, tools, and other valuable information in your hand in case of an emergency.

Provides you more flexibility

Flexibility is another plus to outsource ruby on rails development

You may choose to work with ruby on rails development company before, after or during the development process.

The development cycle has various phases and you can work with the company on the phases you like or feel are more important.

In addition, the remote development companies allow you to work with flexible timings. 

So, you can work with the ruby on rails developers at the time which you feel is productive for you. 

Scalability is easier

Your product will be of good quality if you develop under your supervision. But will it be scalable? 

Your answer will be maybe!

However, with ruby on rails outsourcing to ruby on rails development company  you can make sure your product is scalable.

For example, while you develop one aspect of your application, you can outsource the application’s additional features development to a third party. 

Moreover, if you want descale your team, you can do so while not harming your application’s development. 

Overcome risks with strategic outsourcing

Launching a new development project is a daunting task for startups due to the risks involved. 

You may worry about the possibility of the product failing or not meeting the needs of their target market. 

However, partnering with an experienced outsourcing company can help alleviate these anxieties. 

By selecting a software development outsourcing company, startups can reduce potential risks such as data loss, political instability, and natural disasters.

When to Outsource Ruby on Rails Development?

There can be plenty of circumstances where you might need to outsource ruby on rails development. For example, 

Starting a New Business

If you are starting a new business, there are multiple tasks to do. 

Besides, spending time learning development will not be easy if you do not know it already.

In addition, starting a new business involves legal tasks, lots of hiring and marketing which will take most of the energy.

Development at this stage with focus is a major requirement.

However, when you start a new business whether it’s ruby rails ecommerce or simple service page, you would not be able to handle all this at once and might make mistakes. 

So, it’s better to outsource ruby on rails development to a reputable company so that you do not lose your focus and productivity. 

You need MVP 

If you are an existing business and you need to show a demo to another client, or you have a new idea but don’t have time, you should hire a reputable ROR Development company. 

Taking your business online

Taking a business online involves a lot of technicalities. 

Watching youtube videos and understanding the process to take your business online may make the process of web application development seem easy.

However, you must know that the whole process is not revealed online. 

Furthermore, there are various hidden details and minor tasks which can make or break your project.

Considering this, you must contact a ROR Developer having a good amount of experience. 

If you understand them and feel the need of helping hand, then you must do ruby on rails outsourcing

You need to save costs

Every business needs to save costs and increase their sales and profitability.

In a development business,  you can not do so without outsourcing.

Because if you plan to do everything on your own, you may not be able to handle the clients with various requirements. 

Furthermore, it is possible that you may not have expertise to handle the specific requirement. 

It is also possible that your team already has multiple projects and finding a new in-house developer may take time and lots of investment. 

Thus, you can also outsource ruby on rails development in case you already have a development business. 

Hire RoR Developers on Hourly or Monthly Basis

The hourly rates start at $20/hour

How to Outsource Ruby on Rails Development: Best Practices for Success

  • Consider using platforms like Clutch and Upwork to find potential software development partners.
    • When using Clutch, filter by Ruby on Rails technology and review verified testimonials, hourly rates, and acceptable project budgets. Double-check the company’s information on their website.
    • Upwork features individual programmer profiles, but representatives of Ruby on Rails companies can also be found there.
  • Consider the time in the market, testimonials, and portfolio of each potential company.
  • Look for a reputable company with many references and a proven development workflow. Their portfolio should include projects that are similar to yours, with an industry focus that aligns with yours.
  • Language is a critical factor. Ensure that the prospective team speaks your native language or English fluently.
  • Flexibility is another key factor. A good developer will adjust to your processes and allow you to choose your preferred method of vetting them for the job. Time difference should also be considered.
  • Consider a developer’s contribution to the professional community. A developer who cares about their reputation will likely be active in the professional community.

Assessing Developers: Tips for Conducting Effective Calls for Ruby on Rails Outsourcing

  • To assess developers, take things to a more personal level by conducting a call.
  • If your candidate is a company, you will likely speak with a sales representative who will represent the developer.
  • During the call, evaluate the representative’s demeanour and confidence and determine if they adequately represent the developer in a way that makes you want to work with them.
  • Consider asking the following questions during your call with the developer:
  • What is your experience in Ruby on Rails Development?
  • Have you worked previously on Outsourced Projects?
  • How many team members or developers are in your company?
  • Do you know any other technologies other than Ruby on Rails?
  • Which are the top industries where you have worked and got clients from?
  • What does your development process look like?
  • Do you provide any additional service?
  • Can you provide a rough estimate of the project’s cost?

Tips for Managing an Outsourced Ruby on Rails Team:

  • Start with a clear vision for your project’s business goals before seeking quotes from software development teams. 
  • Research similar projects to get an idea of the costs involved. This will help you understand what you can achieve with your budget.
  • Be specific and honest during communication with the team. Don’t hide any important details that could impact the project.
  • Stay on topic during discussions to avoid unnecessary confusion.
  • Trust your Project Manager and the team to deliver the project successfully. A good partnership is based on mutual understanding and trust.
  • Be open to new project control methodologies that can make working with an outsourced team more convenient.
  • Trust the technical expertise of the team lead. You may not understand everything, and they may not understand the business side, but trusting each other’s competencies is the key to efficient work.
  • Use a ticketing system to avoid time lost on extra explanations.
  • Communicate any changes to the Project Manager as soon as possible, so the development team can overcome any barriers in the Model-View-Controller framework.

Don’ts of Ruby on Rails Outsourcing

  • Don’t try to get more on a fixed budget as this often creates further challenges and leads to project failure. Start with something less advanced and grow steadily over time.
  • Don’t undermine the team’s intelligence even if you are having a rough time with them. Personal attacks won’t get you very far.
  • Don’t drift away from the topic during calls. 
  • Avoid giving extra info of things you want to develop in further phases of the project, even if they are related to the conversation, to avoid confusion.
  • Don’t demand too much in a limited time from the development team. Be aware that their work is very creative and draining, so give them time to work and deliver what you are asking for.
  • Don’t try to speed up the development process. Be patient and trust that the team will deliver everything on-time as standard. If there are delays, the Project Manager will take responsibility and look for a solution.
  • Don’t repeat yourself over and over. If you are not clear about the answer after the first explanation from the development team, it is better to stop the development process and ask again until everything becomes clear.
  • Don’t critique the development costs involved with Ruby on Rails. This framework is a good option since it is free to use for both individuals and companies, and if combined with other free and open-source tools, it can provide an outstanding development package for your company.

Key Roles and Responsibilities to Consider When Hiring an Offshore Ruby on Rails Developer

Hiring an offshore Ruby on Rails developer requires consideration of certain key roles and responsibilities.

Therefore, Look for developers who are familiar with COC (Convention over Configuration) and DRY (Don’t repeat yourself) development methodologies.

Furthermore, Candidates should have experience with TDD (test-driven development) and BDD (behaviour-driven development).

A good understanding of cloud technologies such as Heroku, AWS, and Engineyard is also essential.

Candidates should be skilled in AJAX and REST designs, as well as common libraries such as RSpec and Resque.

Familiarity with data structures, algorithms, and system designs is a must.

Exposure to databases such as MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, and SQLlite is also important.

Candidates should have a good understanding of server-side templating languages such as Liquid and Slim.

Hire RoR Developers on Hourly or Monthly Basis

The hourly rates start at $20/hour

Distributing roles & responsibilities when you outsource Ruby on Rails Development

Appoint a Chief Technology Officer (CTO) 

A CTO  in a tech company oversees the outsourced Ruby on Rails development process. He or she also manages the remote team. 

The ideal candidate is a business partner with a vested interest in the enterprise and possesses the necessary skills.

Understand the role of CTO in detail at: Chief Technology Officer: Understanding the Main Tech Person In a Company 

Design the Team Composition

You can opt for an external model where the whole project is delegated to your outsourcing partner.

You can also choose a hybrid model where your in-house squad works with the external team.

Hire a Transition Officer

If you’re handing a Ruby on Rails development project from your in-house team to an external partner, appoint a transition officer. 

This person will ensure effective communication between the original product team and the new developer.

What are some tips for creating a successful job post for a Ruby on Rails Outsourcing?

One way to enhance the quality of your Ruby on Rails job post is to provide a clear project description that outlines the expected deliverables. 

This will give potential developers a good understanding of what they will be building and what is expected of them.

For example, you should specify whether you want the developer to simply provide you with the code for you to upload to your production server or if you would like them to handle the deployment as well. 

Additionally, you might consider including a maintenance contract for future bug fixes and improvements. 

In order for the developer to provide an accurate estimate, it is important to provide an estimate of the time required for the project.

Managing Distributed Ruby on Rails Development Teams: Best Practices and Tools

Let’s explore some best practices and tools for managing distributed RoR development teams effectively.

Set up effective communication channels

Communication is key when managing a distributed team. 

Make sure to establish clear communication channels, such as chat applications, video conferencing tools, and collaboration platforms.

Ensure that team members have access to the same information, updates, and resources. 

Encourage regular check-ins to keep everyone on the same page and address any concerns.

Establish trust with remote team members

When working with remote team members, it’s essential to establish trust. 

Encourage open communication and transparency, and provide opportunities for remote team members to contribute their ideas and perspectives. 

Make sure that remote team members feel included and valued as part of the team.

Manage remote teams using agile methodologies

Agile methodologies are well-suited for managing distributed teams. 

Agile emphasises frequent communication, collaboration, and feedback, which can help overcome some of the challenges of working remotely. 

Use agile methodologies to break down projects into manageable tasks, track progress, and identify and address issues as they arise.

Use project management software

Project management software can help you track progress, manage tasks, and communicate with team members. 

Look for software that allows you to assign tasks, set deadlines, and monitor progress. 

Ensure that all team members have access to the software and know how to use it effectively.

Leverage video conferencing tools

Video conferencing tools can be an effective way to connect with remote team members and establish a sense of camaraderie. 

Use video conferencing tools for regular team meetings, one-on-one check-ins, and other collaborative sessions. 

Make sure that everyone has access to the necessary hardware and software to participate in video calls.

Utilize collaboration platforms

Collaboration platforms can help team members share information, resources, and feedback. 

Look for collaboration platforms like slack or microsoft teams that allow for real-time updates, threaded discussions, and document sharing. 

Encourage team members to use the platform to share their ideas, ask questions, and collaborate on projects.

Maintain team motivation and productivity

Remote work often leads to feelings of isolation for many of us. 

Make sure to foster a sense of community and connection among team members. 

Celebrate successes, encourage team bonding activities, and provide opportunities for professional development. 

So, you should reward team members who put in extra efforts for the success of your company. 


In conclusion, outsourcing ruby on rails development can be a beneficial decision for your business. 

Ruby on Rails outsourcing can help you save money, reduce development hours, lower maintenance costs, focus on business goals, get expert insights, and provide flexibility in work. 

However, before outsourcing, it is important to consider the reasons why you need to outsource, choose the right development team, set clear deadlines, and maintain effective communication throughout the project. 

By taking the steps to effectively manage ruby on rails development teams, you can ensure that your outsourced ruby on rails development project is successful and meets your requirements.

We feel glad to help you in understanding Ruby on Rails Outsourcing. Contact us to talk to our experts and know more. 

Get more insights on Ruby on Rails and other valuable information for your business with RoRBits blog collection.

Hire RoR Developers on Hourly or Monthly Basis

The hourly rates start at $20/hour

Hire ROR Developers
