21 Open Source Ruby on Rails Applications: Grow Your Business Today


Nowadays, Ruby on Rails has become the developer’s choice. Entrepreneurs are choosing the Ruby on Rails backend framework for web app development. Until now, several open source Ruby on Rails applications have been made successfully. 

Businessman wants to work on open source rails projects for easy and desired web development. 

There are famous ruby on rails websites examples such as Twitter, Shopify, Airbnb, Fiverr, Hulu, and many more, all have proved that the Ruby on Rails framework is a  good choice to adopt. 

In actual terms, Ruby on Rails is scalable and beautifully coded. You can add much usable and interesting functionality to your app with the help of the RoR framework. That’s why as a ruby on rails development firm RORBits loves Ruby on Rails.

We also love to work on rails open source projects, from our experience we have filtered the best 21 open source ruby on rails applications for you. 

Read this blog until the end, you will get complete insights into open source ruby on rails applications. 

Let’s start!

Best 21 Open Source Ruby on Rails Applications

  1. Discourse
  2. Spree Commerce
  3. Tracks
  4. GitLab
  5. ClockingIT
  6. RailsCollab
  7. colorplan
  8. Radiant
  9. Diaspora
  10. BrowserCMS
  11. Rubricks
  12. Pimki
  13. EcomPages
  14. Refinery CMS
  15. Selfstarter
  16. Errbit
  17. Fat Free CRM
  18. Redmine
  19. Kandan
  20. Sharetribe
  21. Retrospectiva

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Let’s dive into the above-listed open source ruby on rails applications.

1. Discourse

The Discourse open source ruby on rails platform is developed for discussions, pages, comments, mailing lists, and chat rooms. 

To simplify and streamline internet discussion with the help of inserting features like scrolling of pages, notifications, and quick polls, the  Discourse was created.

Discourse has no competitors with the same functionality even though all of the basic features are offered, as claimed by the One of the founders, Jeff Atwood. 

Instead of stereotypical forums, the Discourse offers clear UI/UX design, to track likes and post – user metrics, and Twitter/Facebook/Google/GitHub/Yahoo/E-mail address login feasibility.

The attractive forum integrating emojis, avatars, badges, and private messages can be built with the Discourse. For closed communities, it’s an effective discussion platform.

2. Spree Commerce

Spree is a modern solution for online stores. Yes, Spree is very popular for building e-commerce websites and apps. 

Many famous brands such as Rick Owens and Lavazza have used Spree for building their online storefront. 

If you are thinking of taking a step in the e-commerce industry, then Spree will help you to make an efficient, user-friendly, simple, and effective e-shop. 

3. Tracks

The open source Tracks is a web-based to-do-list application made with the Ruby on Rails backend framework.

Tracks come with the web server – WEBrick, anybody like to run this on their computer then they can. It will run with the Ruby platform as well as Windows XP, Mac OS X, and Linux.

With Track, you will get:

  • Flexible chart views of your actions
  • Starring 
  • Tagging 
  • Effortless and faster adding of new actions
  • You can organize yourself
  • Help you to get everyone organized
  • You can easily measure your progress
  • Stay updated with several feeds.
  • Easy interaction with Tracks

4. GitLab

GitLab is an AI-powered software made for developers. It’s a DevSecOps Platform where the developers can do code collaboration.

Basically, Gitlab is a well-organized and easy software that allows developers to work together on code via code reviews, management of the git repository, activity feeds, issue tracking, and wikis.

5. ClockingIT

ClockingIT is a Task-Time Tracking application, hosted freely. This application offers features to track your tasks, projects, issues, and total time taken by an individual project. Mostly, it is ideal for projects which are done by team work.

Under the MIT/X Consortium License, the ClockingIT source code has been released. Which will let you manage your projects and tasks how you want, or deadlines.  

You can well-manage your time and tasks with these applications, you can check your timeline and decide what you have done and what still remain. 

6. RailsCollab

RailsCollab is an open source free web-based tool for comprehensive project management and collaboration which is stimulated by Basecamp.

This is the solution for managing communication-oriented project tasks developed by 37 signals. 

With the help of RailsCollab, you can track all of your tasks and records as well as the amount of time spent on them. 

This RailsCollab project management mechanism is released under an MIT license.

7. Colorplan

This Colorplan software is an open-source tool designed for project management which is utilized for color appearance to the project status.

Colorplan described the project’s age. Every project has an aging priority and the project age will appear in the project background at the interface.

If the background color of the project is green, that means a few times ago the project was in working mode.

And if the background appears red, then that project requires immediate attention for the work. After completion of the task in that project, it will again turn into a green color of background.

It’s a great idea to keep updated with your project status. You can just look and find out what’s the next step to work on.

8. Radiant

Radiant is a content management tool released under MIT License, specifically used for a tiny developer team.

Radiant creates layouts, page parts, snippets, and a custom tagging language with flexibility. It has a slick interface and powerful RoR characteristics. 

You can easily arrange pages with a flexible site structure. Moreover, it also works on the macro language named Radius, completely similar to HTML. With this, you can add content from other pages and can show the content temporarily. 

Pages, snippets, and layouts all support radius tags. It also supports Textile and Markdown, but programmers may simply write text filters for RDoc, BBCode, or Structured Text. 

9. diaspora*

Exhausted with current social media apps? Then we must tell you that a new generation trend is on the way: a social network without a centralized user or data management system. 

with the diaspora*, you can host your networks built from distributed pods that act exactly as web servers and then connect to other pods.

diaspora* has founded in 2010, and currently has 1 million plus accounts on the app. They promised to never sell users’ data and information or their social life to any advertisers. After August 2012, further diaspora* development is done by volunteers.

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10. BrowserCMS

A Ruby on Rails-based open source web content management system (CMS) is called BrowserCMS. Installed on the same web server that hosts your website, it is a user-friendly content management system that is entirely browser-based.

Specifically it supports three different types of people:

  • First, non-technical web editors seek a humane management system for their website without needing to know HTML or even Rails.
  • designers who want to build expansive and distinctive websites.
  • A Ruby on Rails CMS Platforms is something that developers desire to incorporate into their Rails projects or build for their clients.

A few instructions are provided by BrowserCMS on how the aforementioned groups can design, create, and maintain websites using BrowserCMS. such as Getting Started, User Guide for BrowserCMS, Installing a Module, Developer and Designer’s Guide, and many others.

11. Rubricks

An open source Ruby on Rails-based Rubricks is a CMS with components architecture. This will help you to create the most intelligent and fast website.  

A JavaScript library ‘Spinelz’ is used by Rubricks to help different types of Ajax operations. Also, RIA components like ‘window’ and ‘tab box’ are provided by Rubricks.

12. Pimki

To get things done, use Pimki, as Personal Information Manager based on wiki. It is intended to be a portable, adaptable organizer for all the different components of your life, with significant GTD inspirations.

It is simple to use and gives you a special ability to manage, record, and retrieve information thanks to the immediate nature of a wiki and an extended perspective to slice and dice the data. Based on the well-known Instiki wiki and Ruby on Rails framework, Pimki is written in Ruby.

13. EcomPages

An open source Ruby on Rails EcomPages is a part of the ecommerce industry as an online shopping cart. To give a general information and idea of Ecompages working an introductory version from beta release. 

And then after, the EcomPages will add more features as per the user’s decisions. It will make you free to update code which fulfils your requirements. 

Ruby on Rails 2.0.2 +, Windows, Mac OS, Linux, MySQL 4 +, and RMagick are needed to complete the installation process of Ecompages.

For your e-commerce development, you should hire a dedicated ruby on rails developer to create the best and most user-friendly RoR framework web application.

14. Refinery CMS

With Refinery CMS, building websites and handling content is a lot simpler. It is a straightforward, extensible modular content management system. 

It was released in 2009, and the community is presently working to develop it in ten different languages.

Refinery provides clear, legible code that is simple for developers to update. 

The Refinery CMS may be simply extended and customised as you choose. In reality, the majority of our customers prefer their content management systems to be customised. 

For instance, you can link your website to Spree Commerce to run your online store using the Spree Refinery CMS Authentication gem. 

Refinery’s code is continuously maintained and updated, and extensive documentation is available because of the vibrant community of contributors.

15. Selfstarter

Selfstarter assists you in hosting your own crowdfunding website for your task and project among the many fundraising platforms available. 

You can quickly make donations through Amazon Payments, or you can select your favourite service provider. Simple and straightforward, Ruby on Rails-powered.

16. Errbit

Errbit is functionally detecting errors and it is created for unique users and unique purposes. Not all of them, I suppose; some are a little, well, Unclear! Find out if any of the peculiar circumstances listed below apply to you or your project:

  • Your exclusions include delicate information.
  • Within a firewall, your application is safe and secure.
  • You want to trademark your exceptions notification system.
  • You wish to add your own characteristics to the catcher. You are insane enough to enjoy operating servers.

17. Fat Free CRM

An open source Ruby on Rails Fat Free CRM is a customer relationship management platform which is ranked on the top in the Ruby toolbox of CRM platforms.

By taking care of lead management and maintaining contacts, quotes, and customer databases, Fat Free CRM enables customers to automate their sales operations. According to their status, leads are given names like “converted,” “rejected,” “contacted,” and “new.”

You can give someone the responsibility of managing, editing, or removing lead information. Marketing-related concerns like multi-channel marketing, email campaigns, and mailing list management is managed by users. 

The dashboard of Fat Free CRM enables collaboration, task tracking, viewing of recent user activity, viewing of individual and corporate accounts, and viewing of “opportunities.” 

18. Redmine

One of the most well-known rails open source projects was first made available in 2006. Even for a novice project manager, Redmine makes managing projects simple. This tool’s features make it simple to deploy, manage, and use:

  • several projects
  • Tracking tickets
  • Integration of source control (SVN, Git, etc.)
  • roles and authorizations
  • Gantt charts
  • a project wiki
  • email integration
  • a calendar

19. Kandan

Chat in real-time. This Rails-based, quick, safe, and stable chat solution will make you rethink your current instant messaging setup. 

Real-time Chat has a beautiful, simple design with a tonne of capabilities, including file uploads, managing numerous chat rooms, shared room audio, and Hubot integration, as well as a searchable message history.

20. Sharetribe

An open source ruby on rails platform called Sharetribe enables users to create their own marketplaces. Sharetribe promises to assist people in quickly and affordably launching marketplaces.

For small enterprises that need to launch quickly, Sharetribe is the ideal option. Just a few of the marketplaces created with Sharetribe include the used clothing marketplace Häätori, the bike sharing platform Cycle.land, the surfboard rental service Quiver, and others. 

Additionally, Sharetribe is a fantastic tool for developing a minimal feasible product to try out your business idea.

21. Retrospectiva

A web-based, open-source project management application Retrospectiva is designed to support agile software development teams’ collaborative efforts. The MIT Licence governs the use of Retrospectiva.

The Bottom Line

Overall, the availability of open-source Ruby on Rails applications and Ruby on Rails gems offers tremendous opportunities for businesses to grow and thrive with effective web app development. 

By leveraging these applications, companies can save time and resources in developing their own software solutions from scratch. 

Whether it’s managing customer relationships, streamlining project management, or enhancing e-commerce capabilities, the diverse range of open-source Ruby on Rails applications provides a solid foundation for businesses to build upon. 

Additionally, the collaborative nature of open-source projects fosters innovation, as developers worldwide contribute their expertise and enhancements to continuously improve these applications. 

With the flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness that open-source Ruby on Rails applications provide, businesses can accelerate their growth and achieve their goals more efficiently. 

Embracing these powerful tools empowers businesses to stay competitive in today’s dynamic market landscape. 

So why wait? Start exploring the world of open-source Ruby on Rails applications and unlock new possibilities for your business today.
You must hire the best ruby on rails consulting company in your budget to give wings to your business.

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